Dear ERL Management,

I am a mother with two kids. One of them is OKU, due to autism. We went for train ride today from Putrajaya Sentral to KLIA 2.

When buying the tickets, we tell the cashier that we have one disabled kid and one typical kid with two adults.

She charge us:

2 adult RM6.20 each
1 kid RM3.00
1 OKU kid RM4.30

Do you see what is wrong with this? We were perplexed and ask, why I have to pay more for my son? And she says, 

"Dah puan nak pakai sangat kad OKU?"

Seriously? This is how you trained your staff? The one in your front line. This is insulting in two ways. 

1. She implied as if I want to take advantage that I have an OKU kid and wants more discount.

2. She doesnt bother to explain that OKU fares is fixed to RM4.30. So she should charge him on normal kids fare only.

ERL management, this is discrimination towards OKU KIDS, your staff is so rude and lack of empathy.

For your imformation, this train ride is a big thing for my son. He has sensory processing issue and its taken us weeks to prep him for weeks for this. So he can overcome his sensory processing issue problems and enjoy the ride. 

Please do something about this. Do not let this happen again!.

p/s: tixs where bought on 10/11 at 3.15 am from your staff that seated on the right side of the counter at Putrajaya Sentral. Thank you. - Irda

Sementara itu di media sosial, netizen mengecam tindakan biadab dan kurang ajar kakitangan ERL terbabit.

"Kurang ajar betul si penjual tiket. Saya yang baca pun rasa marah, apatah lagi pihak pengadu. Viralkan saja sebab bila viral, baru pihak ERL nampak. Kalau tak, diorang takkan peduli sebab company besar seperti ini hanya akan menggelabah bila perkara ini menjadi viral dan barulah mereka nak ambil tindakan," kata Daten Aida.

"Biadab dan berfikiran sempit. Mengapa mereka kenakan caj yang mahal untuk anak OKU? Anak saya pun excited naik train. Saya dapat bayangkan, suasana yang pada mulanya gembira terus hilang disebabkan orang seperti ini," kata Izadira.

Bagaimanapun, pihak Pengurusan ERL telah menerima aduan puan Irda dan memohon maaf di atas tindakan biadab kakitangannya itu. Pihak ERL juga telah menjalankan siasatan terhadap insiden berkenaan. - THEHYPEMEDIA


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